Occurrence Tracking

Preparing your workforce for an automated corrective action system is easy to achieve with isolved Occurrence Tracking.

Increase visibility on time & attendance patterns with this automated corrective action tool.

Provide managers with comprehensive insight to workforce attendance habits and improve communication between your HR team and employees.

Easily monitor employee occurrences and automate your corrective actions

Create rules within isolved Occurrence Tracking that are consistent with the attendance policies from your employee handbook. Assign point values to each infraction and implement the necessary course of action when an employee’s total points reach a pre-defined threshold.

Develop multi-milestone occurrences that are based upon the employee’s length of service that will trigger a corrective action such as a verbal warning, written warning, suspension or termination.

Easy as 1–2–3


List the employees that will be eligible for occurrence tracking policies. These lists can be defined by a combination of filters such as an employee’s length of service or position in the company


Define the infractions that should be monitored along with the points associated to the occurrence. Admins will be able to edit functions of each rule and how they are displayed and applied. The following rules are some of the customizable fields within a rule set:

  • Which occurrence rule set applies to which employees
  • Number of points applied to each occurrence and if they will expire.
  • Which alert or action to implement when an infraction occurs.


Create the alerts and email templates for each course of action. These alerts will be recorded to the employee’s history and will be sent out to all users involved including the employee, their manager, HR teams or any other necessary client user within the system.

Admins can also import occurrence transactions to all employees in a legal company, eliminating the need to add individual transactions per employee within the Occurrence Tracking module (isolved Time & Attendance required).

Let’s talk about how we can monitor employee time and attendance and eliminate unnecessary workload with isolved Occurrence Tracking. Call us at: (702)565-4110

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